Podcasts & Videos

Stefany Barker: Diversifying the Tech Space

Get ready for a fascinating discussion with  Stefany Barker, a tech lead at Palantir, an entrepreneur and...

Diversity, Inclusion and Work Culture in Asia

A diverse work culture is what companies are striving for to gain an edge in innovation and to stand out as a...

Wie Diversität Schlechte Leader Entlarvt

Wie Diversität schlechte Leader entlarvt Unsere Mitgründerin Priska war zu Gast bei lafere + lifere, den...

Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling in Leadership with Priska Burkard

Listen to this podcast with Roxanne and Priska Our co-founder Priska has been invited by Roxanne Derhodge to talk...

FEM’TALK with Our Co-Founder Priska

Priska, our co-fonder, got recently invited by FEM'UP Switzerland to talk about her career and give her top three...

Upbeat Podcast der Handelszeitung mit unserer Mitgründerin Priska

Im September 2021 wurde unsere Mitgründerin Priska eingeladen, mit Stefan Mair im Upbeat-Podcast der Handelszeitung...
TechFace was in ECO Broadcast about Women in IT

TechFace was in ECO Broadcast about Women in IT

TechFace was on national Swiss TV, as part of the ECO broadcast on June 14th 2021. Our co-founder Priska was interviewed about TechFace's mission and activities. And she informed about our approach to increase the low number of only 18% women in the IT. Additionally,...

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