Tech Inspired with Girls in Tech Switzerland

Apr. 27, 2020 | Podcast

Recently, our partner community Girls in Tech Switzerland has recorded a podcast. Are you curious, who the kick-ass women behind Girls in Tech Switzerland are? Listen to them sharing their advice, insights and tips about tech and the current situation. We are happy to share this podcast with this community as well.

During the lockdown, it is difficult to keep in touch with community members and provide them the support and connection they need during a difficult time. The Girls in Tech team took this opportunity to try out something different – a podcast!

In this podcast, everyone talks about how they use technology in these exceptional times to keep connected and use it for a good cause. Further, they gave advice and shared their favorite apps and book recommendations.

Want to know more about our partner community Girls in Tech Switzerland? Don’t miss out and listen to this latest podcast we received from them.


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