Career Advice

F*ck Being Humble Webinar Part I

Have you missed the three part webinar by Stefanie Sword-Williams*, organized by our partner community Girls in Tech...

Supercharge Your Career – 4 Women in STEM Share Their Experiences

What does it take today for women to pursue a career in tech? What are recruiters looking for and how can you ensure...

Five Essential Tips to Apply for a Job in the Digital Age

In the last 2 months, our job hunt tips have fallen through. With the lockdown measures in place, recruiting changed...

Applying Leadership Skills To Your Next Career Step

During the current Covid-19 pandemic, several articles praising the leadership skills of people with different careers...

Online Learning – E-learning Anytime and Anywhere Part II

We introduced online learning and different sources in part I. However, there is more to know about online learning....

Online learning – Constant Learning Anytime and Anywhere Part I

How e-learning supports lifelong learning When lifelong learning becomes the norm, knowledge must be available...
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