Have you missed the three-part webinar by Stefanie Sword-Williams*, organized by our partner community Girls in Tech Switzerland, on making money, define your self-worth and value your work? Don’t worry, we got you!

While we enjoyed Stefanie’s webinar live and had the great opportunity to ask her our very own questions, we also learned so much about how to getting comfortable with self-promotion, making yourself seen and last but not least, how to make money with the work you love. The webinar was split up in 3 parts, this is the final part:


Bitch better have my money!

So we have talked about how to tell your own story and being comfortable sharing your achievements in part I and in part II we talked about sharing your story and make your brand seen. It is now time to turn all that hard work into self-worth, value and most of all, making money!

First of all, it is all about changing your attitude towards making money! Making money is nothing you have to be ashamed of. Making money is to define your value and be aware of what your time and effort is worth and allow others to understand your self-worth.

It is all about changing your attitude towards making money!

How can you do this? Let us share these insights with you:


Don’t expect people to know

Be aware that people don’t know everything you have done, you do or you are planning to do! So the most important part is to share what you are working and building a reputation. The equation of building a reputation is the summary of self-belief, that you can do something not matter if you have the skills or not, and action. You can talk all day long about what you could do, at the end of the day, it only counts what you have done. So taking action and sometimes challenging yourself to go for it, even if you do not have the experience, is what really helps you build your reputation. On top of that, share what you working on so others can see.
It is not only your action that helps you build your reputation. When you inspire others and support people in their journey, you will be able to build valuable relationships.
Key Learning: Build your reputation all year long.


Know your self-worth

Companies will always try their best to not pay you for your work. And guess what, if you don’t get pay your worth, your work will be worthless. Remember the last time you got something for free, how did you value the free gift or service? And how do you treat something, you have paid for?
The same accounts for your work. Only when companies pay your services for what its worth, they will recognize it as valuable and treat it the same way. Value is defined by how others see their own benefit in it. However, to allow others to see their benefit, you have to first understand your self-worth and value, which will be the basis of making money. Above all, do the investigation, ask your peers or discuss with a mentor, to understand what you are worth. Base your worth on what others will gain and not how much it will cost them. Only this way, you will be able to comfortably start a negotiation discussion.
Key Learning: Define your value before you negotiate the price.


Prepare your case

Before you go into a negotiation discussion, be prepared. You must have a negotiation proofed case, you have to understand what you bring to the table and what it is worth. The most important part of this is to sell your benefits and not your features. Convince your clients with what you have achieved. Think about your work, have you increased sales, did you raise awareness and get more exposure, did you improve a process or did you enable new opportunities? How did people feel with the work you did?
Only if you start believing you deserve it, others will do too.
Key Learning: Show your business value.


Pitch with passion

Once you are ready to meet your client and pitch your work, be mentally prepared as well. Your body language says a lot about you, so make sure you go into the room chilled and relaxed. Keep eye contact with your clients and bite your tongue if you hate what they are saying. You don’t always have to agree.
Most importantly, talk about their problem, try to understand what they really need. Find out how they would feel if they would have the perfect solution to their problem, how their business would improve. Only then, talk about how you could help to reach their goals. Show how you bring value and benefit and at the very end drop your price – then shut up!
You won’t always win a pitch, and this is okay, Take this opportunity to think about it, was it the right client for you, was the service what they really need?
Key Learning: Leave your own emotions at the door, it is all about your client.


Take control

You have to be in control. Make sure you understand, what is that you really want. How much do you want earn? How much are you worth? Visualise your goals and understand how you could reach them. Be aware, no one ever got rich from staying safe, so what are the risks you are willing to take?
When you talk to your clients, don’t wait for them to follow up. Ensure you get an offer in writing and don’t wait for them follow up. Make sure you stay on top of things.
Key Learning: Take control of your finances.

Self-promotion shouldn’t be a dirty word

Now that you have all the information you need, you are ready to ready to be a badass at making money!


This was the last part of the F*ck being Humble webinar. Check out part I on self-promotion and part II on self-branding.

Recommended readings:


* Stefanie Sword Williams is the founder and author of F*ck Being Humble. She set up the platform to encourage self-advocacy and individuals to be unapologetically proud of their achievements. Named as Forbes 30 Under 30 in Europe in 2020, she has delivered workshops for global brands such as Unilever, Warner Music, Google, ASOS and internationally at Cannes Lions Festival.

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