Meet Alessia, Tech Artist in Meta. She works in a team focused on Mixed Reality, combining the real world with the virtual one, where she is very close to the tech team, but at the same time, creativity is a very important part of her work.
Alessia was lucky enough to be exposed to computers from a young age. When she was a child, her father worked for IBM and her mother studied art. So she was always connected to technology and art. Thanks to her father, she had her first computer at a very young age when it was not common. She loved to take her comic book and copy the pictures pixel by pixel onto her computer. When Toy Story came out in theaters, she realized she wanted to work in 3D.
After high school, she studied media design. While studying, she realized that video games were also a good job option, and she shifted her interests from the film industry to the video game industry. She applied to Ubisoft and was hired as a 3D modeler.
How is it to be Tech Artist in Meta? What does “artist” mean nowadays? Is it possible to make art in the technical field? How many opportunities are there for artists today? What does the day of the technical artist look like? Listen to the podcast to know all the answers to these questions.
Connect with Alessia on LinkedIn.
Read more about future jobs in the Metaverse.