
Find out which workshops will be offered during the #wetechtogether conference 2024!

#wetechtogether 2024 workshops

Saturday, 28 September 2024



Sustainable Contentment (EN)

Newton 1008, Technopark


11 AM – 1 PM

WS01 – Cultivating Harmony for Sustainable Career Fulfillment 

#life balance #purpose 


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Japanese approach to nurturing balance and thriving professionally and personally.  

 In the bustling modern world, coolout occurs when people in high-stress professions become emotionally desensitized as a coping mechanism for chronic stress and conflicting demands. This helps them keep functioning despite adverse conditions, especially when their job no longer aligns with their sense of purpose. However, if they become too absorbed in their work and don’t set boundaries, they risk burnout. In the middle of these extremes lies boreout, where individuals lose motivation and experience a lack of engagement and productivity.. Achieving balance is essential to maintain harmony and avoid such outcomes.

Our workshop, inspired by Japanese principles such as nagomi, wabi sabi and ikigai, seeks to explore Eastern approaches to fostering harmony in life and business. We avoid oversimplifications like ‘how to live a balanced life’ and instead recognize and embrace the full spectrum of elements that contribute to it. Designed for individuals aspiring to align their tech careers with principles of harmony and authenticity, our workshop delves into Japanese wellbeing practices like shinrin-yoku, guiding participants to slow down and navigate our Western world, which is currently fixated on self-optimization and longevity.

Nagomi begins by cultivating environmental awareness, promoting balance and serenity in business and daily life. It guides individuals towards a more centered and fulfilling existence. Rooted in principles of balance, empathy, and understanding, Nagomi philosophy fosters harmonious connections across life domains—from professional engagements to personal relationships at home and with colleagues alike.

This participatory workshop is tailored for those with intermediate/advanced experience in their careers, laptop not required.

Women in Digital Switzerland

Security Risk (EN)

Newton 1009, Technopark


11 AM – 1 PM

WS02 – Navigating Security Risk and Quality in the Financial Industry

#security quality

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Integrate Risk & Security with Quality to boost strategy and operational excellence. Hands-on learning!

Are you currently harnessing the synergy between Risk & Security and Quality functions? Our workshop is designed to elevate your organization’s strategy by showing how integrating these vital departments drives operational excellence. This helps your products and services meet the highest standards while staying secure against potential threats. We won’t stick to theory but get very hands-on through real-world examples and interactive problem-solving. You’ll gain practical insights and collaborate on innovative solutions to enhance your organization’s performance.

Our hands-on, interactive workshop is designed for all experience levels – beginner to advanced. All you have to bring is paper and a pen to jot down ideas; laptops and tablets are optional, but a smartphone is handy for the quick surveys we plan to do.

Workshop Structure:

Collaborative and Inclusive Problem-Solving: Work in small groups (4-6 people) to tackle real-world problem statements. We will introduce you to a technique that will ensure inclusion of all participants, no matter how outspoken or shy you might be.

You will learn from presenters about the consequences of unresolved issues and get hints for developing practical solutions, and see the implemented solutions in action from real scenarios.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the integration of Risk & Security and Quality functions
  • Gain practical problem-solving skills
  • Enhance your ability to drive operational excellence in your organization

Join us to transform the way you think about risk, security, and quality!

We Shape Tech Logo

Intercultural Collaboration (EN)



11 AM – 1 PM

WS03 – Embracing Intercultural Collaboration

#inclusive workplace strategies #employee engagement and integration

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Interactive Workshop on Multicultural Workplace Strategies

Join us for an engaging workshop on exploring intercultural collaboration in the workplace. Hosted by Irina, who brings firsthand insights from her three-month stint in India and leads the Vista+ program.  This session delves into the creation, exploring the benefits and challenges of international work experiences, empowering employees to take initiative and develop their talents. We will also introduce the Intercultural community @ Siemens, an Employee Resource Group (ERG), as well as SVIN (Swiss Association of Women Engineers) and STEM women with international backgrounds.

In the interactive part of the workshop, participants will:

  • Share insights, experiences, or best practices – not only from work but also from private life – for building and nurturing intercultural ERGs.
  • Identify the benefits and challenges when engaging with colleagues from diverse cultural backgrounds and explore the potential impact of including both international and local employees in intercultural activities.
  • Reflect on how intercultural communities contribute to an organization’s overall environment and performance.

This workshop will focus on sharing valuable insights and practical strategies to unlock the power of intercultural collaboration in the workplace. Take this chance, join us and help to shape a more inclusive, dynamic environment.

Together, we can make the difference!

Siemens sponsor
SVIN community

Coding (EN)

newton 1011, technopark


11 AM – 1 PM

WS04 – Coding Dojo: Collaborative Learning & Fun

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Interactive workshop aimed at women who want to improve their coding skills in a collaborative and supportive environment.

For us at Zürcher Kantonalbank the coding dojo is a fast collaboration tool where we can strengthen key values such as communication, confidence, and teamwork. This interactive workshop is aimed at women who want to improve their coding skills in a collaborative and supportive environment. A coding dojo is a safe space where participants work together in small groups to solve coding challenges and learn from each other. They are there to have fun, to engage with others and to improve your skills. We value passion and lifelong learning, which is why our “IT made in Chreis 5” strives to bring new impulses to the community and connect to bring more benefits to everyone.

Goals of the workshop:

  • Promote collaborative learning and mutual support
  • Improve the coding skills of participants
  • Create a network of women in the technology industry
  • Increase participants’ self-confidence in dealing with programming tasks


  1. Welcome and introduction

Explanation of the process and objectives.

  1. Coding Dojo

The participants are divided into small groups and work on different coding challenges. The groups take turns presenting their solutions and discussing alternative approaches.

  1. Conclusion and Q&A

Summary of learning content, open questions and feedback round.


  • Basic programming skills (any language)
  • No Laptop required

We support you!

Our experienced team of software developers will be there as Senseis and guide you and your team throughout the challenges.

Zürcher Kantonal Bank
Code Excursion

Investments (DE)

Newton 1012, Technopark


11:00 - 13:00

WS05 – Investiere Nachhaltig – Einfach Erklärt

#Banking #Sustainability

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Willst du verstehen, was Anlegen und das auch noch nachhaltig genau bedeutet? Dann ist unser Workshop genau das Richtige! In unserem interaktiven Workshop mit vielen Übungsmöglichkeiten und Diskussionen, bekommst du konkretes Wissen über das Investieren, sei es bei der klassischen Bank bis zu den digitalen Möglichkeiten. Du verstehst danach die wichtigsten Anlageklassen und Produktetypen und weisst, wie du nachhaltige Anlagefonds identifizierst. All das in einer Form, die du direkt in deinem Alltag anwenden kannst. Bring Papier und Stift mit.

Was erwartet dich?

Du erhälst eine einfache Einführung warum wir Frauen investieren sollten, wo und wie wir das tun können sowie welche Anlageklassen es gibt und wie die wichtigsten Produkte funktionieren. Ausserdem werden wir tiefer in das Thema nachhaltige Anlagen und die verschiedenen Anlageansätze bei Publikumsfonds eingehen und dies mit praktischen Übungen veranschaulichen.

Deine Vorteile?

  1. Mehr Selbstsicherheit beim Investieren
  2. Nachhaltige Fonds ohne Greenwashing identifizieren
  3. Komplexe Finanzthemen einfach erklärt mit praxisnahen Tipps

Unser Workshop ist perfekt für alle, die:

  • Mehr allgemein mehr über das Investieren lernen wollen Mehr über die verschiendenen klassischen und digitalen Kanäle wissen wollen.
  • Sich speziell für nachhaltige Geldanlage interessieren.
  • Sich bei der Auswahl von Anlagefonds sicherer fühlen wollen.
  • Tipps & Tricks suchen für ihre finanzielle Weiterbildung und frauengerechte Beratung.

Workshop wird im Prinzip auf Deutsch gehalten mit englischen Slides. Aber kann bei Bedarf ad-hoc auf Englisch stattfinden.

Women in Tech Switzerland


Pauli 3012, Technopark


11:00 - 13:00

WS06 – Unlock Your Potential: Frauen gestalten die Zukunft der IT

#Karriereentwicklung #Diversität

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Fühlst du, dass in dir mehr steckt? Möchtest du herausfinden, wie du deine Talente in einer der spannendsten und innovativsten Branchen einsetzen kannst. Unser interaktiver Workshop Unlock your Potential: “Frauen gestalten die Zukunft der IT” richtet sich an Frauen wie dich, die ihre Karriere im IT-Bereich starten oder vorantreiben wollen.

Die IT-Branche ist das pulsierende Herz unserer modernen Welt und bietet unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten. Doch es ist die Vielfalt in Teams, die den Unterschied macht. Wenn Frauen und Männer ihre Perspektiven und Stärken einbringen, entstehen kreative Lösungen, die Innovationen vorantreiben. In einer Branche, die sich ständig weiterentwickelt, sind diese vielfältigen Perspektiven der Schlüssel zu einer spannenden Zukunft.

In diesem Workshop wirst du mithilfe eines kurzen Stärkentests entdecken, welche einzigartigen Fähigkeiten du mitbringst. Nutze dein Smartphone, um flexibel und bequem deine Ergebnisse direkt einzusehen. Erfahre, wie du nicht nur deine Stärken entfalten, sondern auch das Selbstvertrauen gewinnen kannst, diese in einer unterstützenden und inspirierenden Arbeitsumgebung einzusetzen.

Neben spannenden Inhalten bietet der Workshop auch die Gelegenheit, dich mit anderen Frauen auszutauschen, die ähnliche Ziele und Interessen verfolgen. Durch diesen wertvollen Austausch gewinnst du nicht nur neue Perspektiven, sondern knüpfst auch Kontakte.

Lerne Bechtle kennen, ein Unternehmen, das Vielfalt aktiv lebt und dir die Möglichkeiten bietet, deine Karriere nach deinen Vorstellungen zu gestalten. Sei Teil dieser Reise – melde dich jetzt an und entdecke, wie du deine Stärken einsetzen und die Zukunft der IT aktiv prägen kannst!

Bechtle logo
WiDS logo


Fortran, technopark


11:00 - 13:00

WS07 – Inclusive Innovation: Designing AI with Diversity in Mind

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This workshop aims to explore the principles and practices of building inclusive AI systems that promote diversity and equity. Participants will learn about the ethical considerations, challenges, and strategies for creating AI technologies that are fair and representative of diverse populations.

More information coming soon.

Microsoft logo
WiDS logo


Cobol, Technopark


11:00 - 13:00

WS08 – Constructing the Future Together: Assembling our tech workforce 2030

#future tech force #diversity

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What do we need to consider as individuals and employers to prepare for tech jobs in 2030 and beyond?

Join us for a forward-looking and comprehensive panel discussion and interactive workshop on diversity, resilience and the technological impact on the future tech workforce and how we can bridge the skills gap in emerging technologies. We will look at how we as individuals, but also as employers, need to prepare for technological change and our jobs in the tech sector.

What can you expect?

  • Insights into how IKEA Supply has built its diverse data and technology team.
  • An interactive session to explore how we individually deal with resilience in our digital world.
  • Gain inspiration on how new technologies are impacting our workforce and how we need to change the way we think and behave at work.

Our workshop is perfect for anyone who wants to:

  • Discover what will influence the tech workforce of the future.
  • Gain inspiration on how to adapt your behaviour and interaction in the changing environment.
  • Share your insights and be inspired by others on how to prepare for the workforce of 2030 and what an employer should consider to create the best conditions for a great place to work.
ikea logo
She leads Tech logo




11:00 - 13:00

WS09 – Brauchen die Berufe der IT einen Imagewechsesl, um mehr Frauen für den Einstieg zu motivieren?

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Die Berufe der IT haben bei Frauen nach wie vor einen schweren Stand. Die Ursache ist vor allem die falsche Wahrnehmung des Berufsfelds, wie eine aktuelle Studie zeigt. Die Initiative «Women in Tech» von Kanton Zürich, ICT-Berufsbildung Schweiz, digitalswitzerland und taskforce4women zeigt auf, mit welchen Massnahmen junge Frauen und Quereinsteigerinnen für diese Berufe begeistert werden können.

In diesem Workshop stellen wir die Ergebnisse der Studie kurz vor, zeigen welche Aktivitäten angestossen wurden und diskutieren, was Unternehmen, die Politik und der Staat/der Kanton machen müssen, damit Frauen eine bessere Zukunft in Tech haben.

Wir freuen uns auf einen spannenden Austausch und eure wertvollen Inputs!

Kanton Zürich
Women in Machine Learning & Data Science Zurich

Women's health (EN)



11:00 - 13:00

WS10 – Women’s Health, Well-being and Workplace’s Influence

#well-being #workplace influence

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Join us for an engaging and interactive workshop focused on women’s health and well-being and the influence of their workplace. We’ll start with an interactive questionnaire to gauge your current understanding of women’s health issues. Following this, we’ll present key statistics, highlight the most common health conditions that lead women to take sick leave, and compare these with statistics for the total population. Participants will then be divided into small groups to discuss and brainstorm actions that can be implemented by the individuals themselves, in their daily life and at their workplace, to improve women’s health and well-being. This is an excellent opportunity to raise awareness, share ideas, and collaboratively create a healthy workplace for women.

Everyone is welcome, no prior experience or specific background is necessary.

Kanton Zürich

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