Find out which workshops will be offered during the #wetechtogether conference 2023!
#wetechtogether Workshops
The workshops registration is open. You can only register for the workshops if you have a ticket for the #wetechtogether conference 2023 – get it here.
Workshop places are limited and and given away on a first register basis. The available spaces will be updated on a daily basis.
Friday, 29th of September 2023
Technopark - Newton 1012
14:30 - 17:00
FR WS01 – Let’s reduce unconscious biases and foster D&I (EN)
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Interactive workshop on unconscious bias with role-playing and further tools to promote diversity.
Unconscious biases, or implicit biases, are learned assumptions or stereotypes outside our conscious awareness and control. Unconscious biases affect everyone and impair diversity – whether in job interviews, promotions, or in any conversation and decision. We start with a brief introduction to unconscious bias by Sara Dolf-Metzler. She’s an expert in D&I and inclusive organizational development and advises on the implementation of inclusion, equity and the future of work. An important part of the workshop will be a role play, where own experiences can be made and exchanged and feedback can be obtained. We discuss possible measures on the personnel as well as on the organizational level. Daria Goryacheva, Product Manager at Siemens Smart Infrastructure, and member of the Siemens Women with Technical Background Community will present further initiatives and tools to promote diversity at Siemens Switzerland – and hopefully also in your environment.
Technopark - Basic
14:30 - 17:00
FR WS02 – Hacks on how to stop sabotaging your personal growth (EN)
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Have you ever felt that your goals were impossible to reach, while others seem to fly through lives ticking off items on their bucket lists? You want to reach the next step on the career ladder, find more balance between your private and professional life, change career paths, work towards your purpose, cycle all five continents, but at the end of the day these objectives seem too far outside of your comfort zone? Think back to a situation, where you felt like you were not good enough, or not smart enough or not tough enough to take the next step – was the problem really the size of your goals or could it have been your mindset?
We tend to sabotage our personal growth with negative thoughts that are often not warranted. The aim of this workshop is to raise awareness of our “saboteurs” – our inner voices telling us that we are less than we are. At the end of the workshop, you will have a clearer understanding of your personal saboteurs and learn strategies how to deal with them when your thoughts are spinning out of control. You will learn from each other’s experience – because we all have saboteurs, even the most successful of us.
This workshop is hands-on and suited for all experience levels. You only need to bring yourself as well as an open mindset.
Technopark - Fortran
14:30 - 17:00
FR WS03 – Fehler machen & weich fallen – Hype oder Schlüssel zum Erfolg? (DE)
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Verstehe, warum ein gesunder Umgang mit Fehlern für Organisationen wichtig ist und was psychologische Sicherheit damit zu tun hat. Profitiere von unseren Erfahrungen beim Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund sowie dem Austausch der Workshop Teilnehmenden aus verschiedensten Organisationen.
Im Silicon Valley ist es längts kein Geheimnis mehr: Ein konstruktiver Umgang mit Fehlern und Misserfolg gehört zu den wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren bedeutender Unternehmen. Dennoch sieht die Realität in vielen Organisationen häufig noch anders aus: Fehler werden unter den Teppich gekehrt und tabuisiert. Woran liegt das? Wer kann sich den Luxus von Fehlern überhaupt leisten? Und wie gelingt es, eine Umgebung zu schaffen, in der es sicher ist, Fehler anszusprechen, sie zu reflektieren um schliesslich daraus zu lernen?
In diesem Workshop bekommst du Antworten auf diese und noch mehr Fragen. Finde heraus, wo deine Organisation im Kontext der Fehlerkultur steht und übertrage deine gewonnen Erkenntnisse mit praktischen Werkzeugen in deinen Alltag. Lass dich ausserdem von den Erfahrungen von uns beim Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund sowie der Teilnehmenden von verschiedensten Organisationen inspirieren.
Technopark - Cobol
14:30 - 17:00
FR WS04 – Code-x: Towards more trustworthy AI (EN)
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Prototype your own tools to approach ethical challenges in AI
Algorithms and artificial intelligence are finding their way into digital solutions with high speed, offering many possibilities and creating innovative applications. Along with the potential we encounter ethical challenges such as missing accountability, biases, or discrimination. How can we still build AI solutions that are trustworthy, by taking social, technical, and economic aspects into account? In this interactive workshop you will hear about common pitfalls, regulatory aspects, and ethical dilemmas in relation to AI. You will get insights into what tools and methods can help you in developing responsible and trustworthy AI solutions. You will prototype your own tools (such as “Codex” and “Trustworthy Radar”) to be able to identify potential challenges and estimate their impact in the future. Prototyping can be done with any level of technical experience. Bringing your own laptop is helpful – but prototyping with post-its is also possible.
Technopark - Newton 1011
14:30 - 17:00
FR WS05 – Women in Tech: Exploring Experiences & Insights (EN)
Discussing experiences of women in the male-dominated tech industry – is there a problem? (workshop without laptop)
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The gender disparity within the tech industry is a well-established fact, with fewer women compared to men.
We are interested in hearing your perspective as one of the few women in this field. We aim to initiate a conversation about our experiences, whether they are positive or negative. Do you feel acknowledged and valued by your male colleagues, or do you experience a sense of being undervalued?
Our intention is to engage in an open discussion to determine if there is indeed an issue for women working alongside predominantly male colleagues. This workshop aims to provide a platform for sharing experiences and generating valuable insights applicable to our professional lives.
To begin, we will collectively gather and share our positive and negative experiences as women in the tech industry. Subsequently, we will engage in discussions to identify and categorize the various experiences encountered by women, clustering them into main topics for further exploration. In a next step, we are going to split the participants into different groups, with each group focusing on a specific topic. In these groups, we will be discussing possible approaches and solutions. Eventually, the groups will gather again and present their ideas and findings in front of each other. This is a participatory workshop, you do not need to bring your laptop with you.
Saturday, 30th of September 2023
Technopark - Newton 1011
11:00 - 13:00
SA WS01 – Migros und SAP – Wie die Migros mit SAP den Warenfluss sicherstellt (DE)
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87 % des weltweiten Handelsvolumens werden von SAP-Kunden generiert. Auch die Migros trägt hier ihren Beitrag dazu. Lerne in diesem Workshop, wie die Migros SAP nutzt, um ihre Produkte täglich ihren Kunden in der Filiale zu präsentieren.
Die komplexen Herausforderungen der Migros müssen in ihren IT-Systemen abgebildet werden. Dies geschieht beim Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund in Zürich in der Group IT, welche ihre IT-Dienstleistungen den Unternehmen der Migros-Gruppe zur Verfügung stellt.
In diesem Workshop lernst Du, wie der Warenfluss der Migros im SAP abgebildet wird. Wir werden an einem konkreten Beispiel aufzeigen, was für Tätigkeiten durchgeführt werden müssen, um die Prozesse in der Migros Filiale sicherzustellen.
Wenn Du Dich schon immer gefragt hast, was ein Berater oder Entwickler im SAP-Umfeld eigentlich den ganzen Tag macht, ist dies der richtige Workshop für Dich – unabhängig Deiner Vorkenntnisse.
Data Science
Technopark - Newton 1012
11:00 - 13:00
SA WS02 – Unlocking the power of the web for deeper insights (EN)
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Data is the new black and the web represents a powerful source of data information. In this interactive workshop participants will learn how to use web scraping tools to enrich their data as well as discuss on potential use cases. Hands-on support will be provided and a Google-Colab environment will be prepared in advance to enable all participants to gather their first experiences with the different tools. In addition, questions such as data quality/validation and how it influences the downstream analytics will be addressed. The level of experience required is “beginner to intermediate”.
Workshop with laptop as well as interactive presentation.
Web Development
Technopark - Newton 1009
11:00 - 13:00
SA WS03 – Kreiere deine persönliche Website mit HTML und Tailwind CSS (DE)
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Stärke deine persönliche Marke mit einer eigenen Portfolio Website und entwickle dabei deine Frontend-Skills mit dem modernen Tailwind CSS Framework.
Eine überzeugende persönliche Website ist in der Technologiebranche ein entscheidender Faktor. So kannst du deine Fähigkeiten und Erfolge präsentieren und eine starke Online-Präsenz aufbauen, die potenzielle Arbeitgeber, Kunden und Kooperationspartnerinnen anzieht.
In diesem interaktiven Workshop werden wir die Möglichkeiten von Tailwind CSS erkunden – ein Framework, welches dir dabei hilft eine visuell ansprechend Website einzig in HTML zu erstellen. Wir werden in das intuitive Designsystem von Tailwind eintauchen, unsere Kreativität entfalten und eine persönliche Website erstellen, die deine einzigartigen Talente und Erfahrungen widerspiegelt.
Bitte bringe deinen CV und deinen Laptop mit! Wir stellen Code, Komponenten und eine Basis der Angular-Webanwendung zur Verfügung, damit wir sofort loslegen können. Vorkenntnisse über Frontend-Entwicklungskonzepte und Angular sind für diesen Workshop von Vorteil, aber nicht zwingend notwendig. Wir freuen uns auf dich!
Technopark - Auditorium
11:00 - 13:00
SA WS04 – Unleash your full potential and multiply your Impact! (EN)
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People often underestimate the abilities they have. No doubt, you’ve done this too. The first step to realizing your full potential and increasing your impact is to learn to value yourself. The second step is to use our tools and life hacks to help you grow and unleash that potential. You don’t need to bring anything with you — only your openness and passion! Our interactive workshop will give you the techniques and inspiration to take your performance to the next level. So, are you ready? Because we are!
Technopark - Cobol
11:00 - 13:00
SA WS05 – Purposeful Digitalization in Industry Application (EN)
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Embracing the Pros and Acknowledging the Cons of digitalization in industries. Join us for an engaging workshop!
Unleash the potential of purposeful digitalization in traditional industries and join our workshop where you will have the opportunity to learn, connect, and get insights for a better future. You will gain valuable insights into ABB’s digitalization efforts. Through group discussions, you will explore the role of digitization as an enabler for sustainability, energy efficiency and operational effectiveness, considering both the benefits and risks. Additionally, you will debate the pros and cons of digitalization when connecting with stakeholders.
The workshop will transition into a session highlighting digitalization examples from ABB. The input will showcase real-life applications of digitalization and their positive impact. Ending with a plenum discussion, we aim to encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing, providing an opportunity for you to debate, collaborate, and further refine your understanding of digitalization in traditional industry application. Throughout the workshop, you will need your smartphone or tablet to interact. Laptops are not required during the session.
Join us in this transformative workshop where you will not only gain valuable knowledge about digitalization in business but also connect with professionals, contribute to the ongoing digital transformation, and foster collaboration and innovation. Let’s write the future. Together.
Technopark - Fortran
11:00 - 13:00
SA WS06 – Not another AI Workshop – AI can – And we can show you how! (EN)
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Imagine a future where your organization thrives on cutting-edge AI technologies, where ChatGPT and generative AI drive innovation, and where compliance with global standards is the cornerstone of success. Let’s explore together what the outlook for 2023 will be.
In this workshop, we will look for the potential for AI and the associated risks, which become more apparent. Next to that, we will dive into the fact that governments and regulators are seeking to regulate AI and set global standards, while companies seeking for compliant AI implementation. We will answer the question “how can companies use this rush of interest and invest compliantly in AI to mitigate corresponding risk?”
Let’s talk about using AI opportunities in a compliant way!
After an insightful and informative talk, you will start working on a group task. After that we will answer all your questions regarding AI, recruitment, and women in tech in our panel. We are looking forward to it!
IT Security
Technopark - Basic
11:00 - 13:00
SA WS07 – Die Menschliche Sicherheitslücke: Bist du gefährdet? (DE)
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In einer Welt, in der Bedrohungen in der Informationssicherheit ständig wachsen und die technische Gemeinschaft fieberhaft daran arbeitet, Sicherheitslücken zu schließen, bleibt der menschliche Faktor eine konstante und potenziell gefährliche Variable.
Hast du dich jemals gefragt, wie sicher deine persönlichen Daten wirklich sind?
Bist du dir bewusst, was mit deinen persönlichen Informationen alles angestellt werden kann?
Oder könnte es vielleicht schon zu spät sein, und deine sensiblen Daten befinden sich bereits im gefürchteten Dark Web?
Unser Workshop „Die Menschliche Sicherheitslücke: Bist du gefährdet?“ hat das klare Ziel, dein Bewusstsein für die entscheidende Rolle des menschlichen Faktors in der Informationstechnologie-Sicherheit zu schärfen und weiterzuentwickeln.
If you have already a ticket, you will find the link in your confirmation email or the invitation to registere for the workshops.
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