Web developers earned on average $64,970 in 2016. While that’s not the highest paying IT job in the industry, this job has one major thing going for it: demand. Web dev jobs are forecast to increase 27% by 2014. Here are 9 reasons why being a web developer is #awesome

1. It’s creative
Developers are often thought of as problem solvers – and they are – however, web developers have the luxury of being able to flex their creative muscles. For front-end web developers creativity is key. You’ll be able to create first-class user experiences and charming websites. Plus, if you work for a startup, you’ll get much more creative rein.

2. You’re part of something bigger, a community
Sometimes the people you work with are just as important as the work. And web development is lucky, because not only will you be most likely working in a team, you’ll have countless online communities at your fingertips. The online community for developers is huge, and if used to the full can be a source of technical support and a place with like-minded people. Online communities are a great resource that you can gain a lot from, not to mention what you can give back.

3. You don’t necessarily need a degree
A large amount of developers out there don’t have any formal qualifications. In fact, the amount of bedroom developers is growing, and with companies like Udemy and Coursera providing online development courses from 20CHF, you can just get stuck in.

4. It’s future-proof
As we progress towards an ever more tech-filled future, developer skills are increasingly in demand. We could even see programming languages become more valuable than traditional spoken languages.

5. It’s fun !
With web technology in constant growth, it’s a pretty exciting place to be. And with countless companies on the lookout for new talent, it’s a perfect chance for aspiring developers to find their perfect role. If you opt for a smaller company, you’ll be able to take on more responsibility, and while the pay might be a little less (which is to be expected) you’ll be able to have more creative control and take real ownership of projects.