Tech Inspired with Solveig Helland

Tech Inspired with Solveig Helland

In our latest podcast episode, we had a fascinating conversation with Solveig, a dynamic software engineer and AI enthusiast based in Switzerland. We delved into her unexpected journey into tech, the challenges she faced, and her experiences working in both big...
Tech Inspired with Simona Todesco

Tech Inspired with Simona Todesco

Lerne Simona kennen, Chief Operation Officer bei Textshuttle in Zürich, ein schweizerischer Unternehmen für maschinelle Sprachübersetzung. Obwohl Simona bereits in der Schule und zu Hause bei den Eltern die ersten Erfahrungen mit Computern sammeln konnte, fehlte ihr...
Tech Inspired with Kristin Umbach

Tech Inspired with Kristin Umbach

Meet Kristin Umbrach, Head of Corporate Development at Swiss IC Security Group, a cybersecurity company. Kristin started her career in a very non-technical way. Although she wanted to become a marine biologist, she soon figured out that this is not the place for her....
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