Roles in Tech

Front-End Developer


Have you ever visited a website or used an app and thought, “Wow, this looks amazing!”? Well, you can thank the Front-End Developer for that! 







Front-End Developer

A Front-End Developer is a web developer who specializes in creating the visual parts of a website that you see and interact with.

They use their skills to make websites and apps that are easy to use and navigate and look great on any device, like your phone or laptop. They work closely with designers and other developers to ensure that everything looks and works perfectly.

Skills and expertise

● HTML, CSS, JavaScript
● Web development frameworks (React, Angular, Vue.js)
● Git version control
● Responsive design and cross-browser compatibility
● Testing and debugging
● Problem-solving and analytical skills
● Communication and collaboration
● SEO and web accessibility

Main tasks and responsibilities

  • Are responsible for building and implementing user-friendly website designs
  • Use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the user interface
  • Focus on ensuring high-quality and performance standards for the website
  • Troubleshoot any issues that may arise in the user interface
  • Stay up-to-date with emerging web technologies and design trends
  • Collaborate with other teams, such as designers and back-end developers

Main tools and software

● Text editors (Atom, Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code)
● CSS frameworks (Bootstrap, Foundation, Materialize)
● JavaScript libraries and frameworks (jQuery, React, Angular)
● Git version control
● Accessibility evaluation tools (Axe, Wave)
● Performance monitoring and optimization tools (PageSpeed Insights, WebPageTest)

Advantages & Disadvantages



  • High demand
  • Competitive salaries
  • Diverse range of clients and industries to work with
  • Continuous learning and growth
  • Opportunities for flexible work arrangements
  • Supportive community



  • High-pressure deadlines
  • Complex problem-solving
  • Constant need to learn
  • Design and development can be subjective
  • Clients may have unrealistic expectations
  • Demanding and challenging field

Is this career a good fit for me?

If you enjoy being creative and have a passion for design and technology, becoming a Front-End Developer can be a great fit. Strong problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and the ability to work collaboratively with others are also important qualities to have in this field.

It’s also important to consider the potential downsides of the job, such as the long hours, high-pressure deadlines, and the need to continually learn and adapt to new technology.

Overall, if you have an interest in design, technology, and enjoy working on projects that require both creativity and technical skills, then becoming a Front-End Developer can be a rewarding and fulfilling career choice. However, it’s important to carefully consider your skills, interests, and personality traits before pursuing this career path.

Salary expectations

Useful links

  • Scrimba – a unique approach to an interactive learning platform for front-end developers
  • The Odin Project – a free open-source coding curriculum that can be taken entirely online
  • Codeacademy – one of the most popular resources for learning how to code. They offer you to learn 14 programming languages


Becoming a Front-End Developer requires a mix of technical skills, creative abilities, and problem-solving expertise. A successful career in this field can be both challenging and rewarding, with plenty of opportunities for growth and advancement.

However, it’s important to carefully consider the potential downsides of the job, such as the long hours, high-pressure deadlines, and the need to continually learn and adapt to new technology. It’s also crucial to consider the lack of diversity in the field, and to work towards promoting inclusivity and equal opportunities for all.

Overall, if you have a passion for design and technology, and enjoy working on projects that require creativity and technical skills, then becoming a Front-End Developer can be a great career choice. With the right training and experience, you can develop the skills needed to succeed in this exciting and dynamic field.

Other roles

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