Tech Inspired – Knowing your Worth

Apr 20, 2021 | Podcast

Meet this group of inspiring women talking about the important topic of “Knowing your worth”. Listen to this episode if you enjoy hearing diverse ways to handle (work and life) situations where you start to doubt your worth.


Lisa – Software Developer at Esri with a passion for sustainability and future cities

Yanira – Head of Customer Experience at Migros Online, UX expert and team lead

Jessica – Innovation Project Lead at Logitech Gaming, previously training as an aerospace engineer and experience in developing drones

… Priska – Co-Founder and Managing Director at TechFace, with a broad background in finance and tech


Have you ever experienced a situation when you thought you are not good enough? Well, most of us probably have. Especially, women tend to not see the value they bring to their employer’s business. Others deal with imposter syndrome. Not to say that men do not struggle with the same problems. However, it is a bigger issue in women because they tend to underestimate themselves which might limit them in achieving their goals.

At the beginning, Lisa, Jess, Yanira and Priska share situations and moments in their careers where they felt not good enough or overlooked. For some of them it is a daily struggle with knowing their worth. For others, some days they feel very powerful and the next day thy feel like a complete failure.

How do you react when you make a mistake? The guests exchange how they deal with mistakes and the feeling of being a failure. Generally, mistakes do not have to be something bad, use them as a learning opportunity. Additionally, you will get a great toolbox of ideas how you can deal with situations where you feel not good enough.

Do not miss our guests’ recommendations how to handle challenging situations. These inspiring women know their worth and strengths but also their weaknesses and areas of development. Most importantly, they talk about how to use this to your advantage.

Lastly, they talk about their experiences in increasing your self-worth not only in the workplace. It is likely, that the listeners will be able to take at least one new idea from our guests’ inputs.


Connect with Lisa, Yanira, Jess and Priska on LinkedIn

Podcasts with Jessica Sommersby, Lisa Staehli, Yanira Gonzales & Priska Burkard

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