Tech Inspired with Elcin Biren

Okt. 10, 2022 | Podcast

Meet Elcin, the Defense Attack Capability Lead at UBS, Chair for Finance and Banking working group, and lecturer at Swiss Cyber Institute. She is one of the few women working and leading in cyber security. Elcin had various jobs over the past 16 years, e.g. as an ethical hacker. She gained technical as well as strategic experience in her field.
However, it was not always obvious that this would become her passion. After her studies in industrial engineering, she got the opportunity to work in cyber security and has not left since. 
As a teenager, she discovered already creativity is relevant in the STEM fields. For example, as an ethical hacker, you must be creative and think outside the box to stay one step ahead of hackers. Elcin shares some tips to get started in cyber security. One of her tips is to find the intersection between the role expectations and your skill set. And then you should talk to experts in the roles you are interested in. And she is also a big fan of hackathons for learning and networking opportunities.
Listen to this episode to learn about Elcin’s take on the future of cyber security, who is an ethical hacker and how the threat landscape is changing due to the pandemic and artificial intelligence to name just two keywords. Lastly, Elcin shares her top three role models that motivate her with their visions, personalities and actions.
Connect with Elcin on LinkedIn
Ethical hacker

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