Fascinating. That’s the word that sums up the conversation with our first podcast guest of 2020, Alice Ruppert. Alice studied Game Design at ZHdK, a degree she discovered at an introductory evening and straight away she was hooked as it combined everything she loved: programming, engineering, gaming, writing, narrative, art and design. Today she’s a Game Developer at Air Console, and works on a cloud-based console which uses phones as controllers and in her spare time she runs The Mane Quest, where she reviews horse games!
In this episode, Alice discusses the Swiss game industry, what the career opportunities are and what skills you need to get into this scene – whether you want to design and develop games or just want something game-related and to be part of a cool and growing industry.
Check it out! And if you’re interested in knowing more about the game industry and some of the most innovative companies in Switzerland, head over to our latest blog post http://bit.ly/2TIVM3p
Connect with Alice on LinkedIn
More links
@MaliceDaFirenze – Alice’s Twitter Account
Jade Raymond – Alice’s role model
Speech by Alice for the Games Exhibition Opening Night at the Swiss National Museum (in German, subtitles available)