Title You can read the full article in German here.
Meet Us
New D&I Column on Spot On
Together with different keyplayers in the market, Spot On founded by Lena Schwerzmann has launched...
Talent sourcing to simplify the search for specialists
In a recent article in IT Magazine, we presented the Skills Finder project together with the...
Mehr Frauen in Führungspositionen
Sind mehr Frauen in Führungspositionen bald Realität oder doch noch eine Utopie? Diese Frage stells sich unsere Mitgründerin Priska im Artikel der kmuRUNDSCHAU (Ausgabe 3/20021) und beleuchtet die verschiedenen Aspekte, weshalb es immer noch viele Hürden für Frauen im...
Full Stack Developer Program in the news
In January 2020, Priska reveals the importance of the Full Stack Developer Program to AGEFI. Launching in March 2020, the Program aims to train women looking for a career switch through a coding boot-camp followed by a guaranteed 6-month paid internship at a cool...
What Is Our Purpose?
We think tech is the most exciting sector to work in today and want to help more people land their dream job in tech. Everything we do is working towards an inclusive, fun and fulfilling tech sector for Switzerland. There is a talent gap in the Swiss tech market and...