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Workshop on Flexible Working Conditions in STEM

As society changes, so too does the labor market. The need for new work models, flexible working conditions, remote...

D&I Column: How to Implement Diversity and Inclusion in Your Company?

This column is a collaboration of various people and organizations working for diversity and inclusion.  As 2022 comes...

Tech Sector: More Diversity Thanks to Mentorship and Sponsorship

More and more companies are offering Mentorship programs to support thee career of their employees. The exchange with...

Make Gender Diversity a Reality

  Discover which 9 women move the business world here.

Priska Burkard: “Women’s Difference is Not a Disadvantage”

Title You can read the full article in German here. 

New D&I Column on Spot On

Together with different keyplayers in the market, Spot On founded by Lena Schwerzmann has launched a new column about...
New D&I Column on Spot On

New D&I Column on Spot On

Together with different keyplayers in the market, Spot On founded by Lena Schwerzmann has launched a new column about diversity & inclusion. With this collaboration, we want to provide valuabel insights and practical tips for management of every company. The...

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