Three Simple Steps to Understand the Corporate Culture that Will Help you Get Your Dream Job

by | Sep 2, 2019 | Career Advice | 0 comments

According to a report by Clutch there are still 41% of job seekers finding their jobs through job boards. So once you visit the job board of your preference, what are you looking for in a job post? Is it just the required skills and expertise or are you also keen on understanding the company and the corporate culture they foster to find your dream job?


Discovering the corporate culture and understanding it has become a critical task for job seekers in recent years to find their dream job. While job responsibilities and tasks can change quickly in line with the market changes, the corporate culture remains the same and will take a lot more time to change. Therefore it is even more important to search for a company with a culture that matches your goal and vision. Working in an environment that allows you to grow and pursue a career that is aligned with your purpose will enable you to fuel your passion and supports you in finding opportunities without leaving the company.

Are you ready to find your unicorn job?


Instead of following job boards and find posts describing a role matching your skills and expertise, why don’t you start your job hunt by finding the company, that aligns with your purpose? Here are three simple steps that help you to understand a corporate culture before you apply for a position:


1. Investigate the companies website

For sure you want to relate to the products and services a company is offering and the most important place to find these information is their website. However, have you ever considered what else is on a company’s website? How does the company present itself, what are their vision and mission and who is working there? It is worth browsing through the website and take notes of what you find to understand, on what the company is focusing.


2. Explorer the company on Social Media

It says a lot about a company the way they present themselves in social media. Therefore, spend some time to find out, where they are active and how. Are they posting any pictures of their team’s activities on Instagram? Do they post lots of blog posts about topics related to their products and services and share it on LinkedIn? Are they very active on Facebook? All these will help you better understand how a company interacts with their clients, employees and community.


3. Google a company

One of the most simplest step to investigate a company is to just google it! You can simple search by the name and see what comes up first. Were there any press release about the company? Are there any reviews of the company? Were they maybe mentioned as sponsor or speaker at an event? There are many different information you can gather from the search result providing you an outside view of the company.

Create a list of company’s you like

Start creating a list of the companies you have investigated and keep a record of the links and information you have found. Ask yourself why the culture of the company has caught your attention and note it down. You can start this list even if you are not job searching yet, it will be useful once you decide to take your next step.


Still not sure how to find your culture purpose match? Don’t miss our next workshop helping you not only to identify a culture of a company, but also how it matches your purpose. Get your ticket now here!

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