1. Information Security Analyst
Expected salary: 150,000+ CHF *and* most importantly, it’s a fulfilling mission to protect people’s privacy.
Information security analysts are the gatekeepers or security guards of information systems. To explain it another way: These professionals plan and execute security measures to shield an organization’s computer systems and networks from infiltration and cyberattacks. The government, health care organizations, financial systems and other companies are growing more reliant on information security analysts to protect their information systems against hackers and cyberattacks. The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects positions in this profession to proliferate at a rate of more than 28 percent between 2016 and 2026, resulting in 28,400 new jobs for information security analysts in the USA alone.

2. IT Manager
Salary: 150,000+CHF. IT Managers are the bloodline of a company, without them, we couldn’t work and we couldn’t keep up with the times.
Computer and information systems managers, or information technology managers, are the guides who help organizations navigate the always-changing labyrinth that is modern technology. These all-important employees deliver short- and long-term visions for the company’s technology needs and goals. Even though most IT managers have the technical chops to execute the various jobs of the workers they supervise, they are more likely to be caught in a meeting room than a server room. Coordinating technology-related matters with top executives, planning upgrades of existing software or hardware and negotiating with vendors for the service of current products or the purchase of new ones are all common tasks IT managers encounter. IT managers also install and upgrade an organization’s computer system and protect the office network from hackers and malware. When the job is done well, many employees won’t even notice the work involved. If you haven’t had an email interruption or server meltdown in the past few months, you probably have an IT manager to thank.
Almost all organizations need IT managers, especially financial and insurance companies, manufacturing firms and federal, state and local governments. The rapidly growing health care industry is also expected to greatly increase IT use, resulting in newly created positions. Employment growth of 12 percent and an estimated 43,800 new positions to be filled between 2016 and 2026 in the US alone! The chief drivers of this growth will be organizations upgrading their information technology systems to newer, faster networks and striving to avoid cyber threats.

3. Computer Systems Analyst
Computer systems analysts leverage both their knowledge of information technology and business to design better computer systems and processes for their clients. And although these professionals have many responsibilities, their first task is to understand their client’s business, whether it’s an organization in Silicon Valley or a firm on Wall Street. And they’ll specifically want to learn how the organization uses technology. Analysts will then research the best technologies to help the organization’s overall computer system – the hardware, the software and the networks – run more efficiently and effectively.
But their job doesn’t stop at research. These professionals also employ their business acumen to prepare a cost and benefits analysis for the upgrades. And if management approves the upgrades, computer systems analysts will oversee the installation of the new systems. They also test the systems and train their organization in them. And when the inevitable hiccups arise, computer systems analysts are the ones who troubleshoot the problems. You’ll find far more extroverts in this field than in other IT jobs, since the job duties include near-constant collaboration with others.
Many analysts work for computer systems design firms, but they’re also employed by a host of industries that range from science to health care to banking and finance. Demand for computer systems analysts should grow at a steady clip this decade since businesses and organizations are increasingly reliant on information technology. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 9 percent employment growth for computer system analysts between 2016 and 2026, which is as fast as the average of all occupations. During that time period, about 53,000 new jobs should open up, in the US alone!

4. Network Architect
If you’ve ever saved something to the cloud, then you’ve depended on the handiwork of a computer network architect. Cool, right? And it’s a VERY well paid job.
Computer network architects design, build and maintain a variety of data communication networks, from expansive cloud infrastructures to smaller intranets. Along with a host of technical skills, computer network architects also have a deep understanding of the company or organization’s business plans and objectives. They also need business acumen to do everything from budgeting the network design and implementation to managing a staff.
Demand is expected to rise 6% by 2026.