Together with different keyplayers in the market, Spot On founded by Lena Schwerzmann has launched a new column about diversity & inclusion. With this collaboration, we want to provide valuabel insights and practical tips for management of every company. The provided knowledge and expertise enables companies to increase the diversity in their teams.

Our co-founder Priska is part of this collaboration and has just published her first article. The article focuses on offering advice on how companies can ease the skill shortage in their tech teams. The simple concept that is applied is the one of career changing. The article not only outlines the advantages of career changes. It also provides valuable tips that every company can apply to increase diversity in their tech teams. Talent Sources and recruiters can search for career changers first within the company. Another approach is using the exesting Talent Pool to identify potential candidates.

Want to learn from Priskas experience with changing careers and her advice? Check out the full article here:

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