Spring Clean Your Inbox

von | Apr 5, 2019 | Career Advice | 0 Kommentare

Have you ever scrolled to the end of your inbox? I am sure you will find some emails at the very end you were never answering and they are no longer needed. The messiest thing in your life is probably your inbox, with lots of old and useless emails. So it is time to get your inbox cleaned. Here are some tips to how:

1. Start at the end

We all know how it works; the emails on top of your inbox gets your attention. And so there are lots of emails at the end of your inbox, to which you will never reply. So the best way to start cleaning your inbox is at the end. Delete those emails you will never reply to, as it most probably too late anyway, and don’t need any archiving. This will already feel like you made some headway and are ready for the next steps.

2. Unsubscribe

How many newsletter do you get you actually never read? Check which newsletter are still important to you, where do you want to be kept informed and what does no longer play a role in your personal or professional life. Search your inbox using terms like “newsletter”, “unsubscribe” or “no-reply” to find these emails. Unsubscribe from those you never actually read.

3. Rules

Now that you have cleared up what has cluttered your inbox, it is time to get organised. Newsletter you receive on a regular basis but you can’t read right away can be automatically stored under a specific label. Start with creating labels based on themes for the messages you want to store, such as “Career Tips”. Tip: start your label with an underscore so they are on top of your label list, e.g. “_Career Tips”.

With the help of filters, you can now automatically label these newsletter and read them later. Find out how to label emails in Gmail here: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/6579?hl=en

Take time to read through these emails, maybe when you are commuting to work or have your Sunday Morning coffee. Was the information useful? If not, delete the email right after you have read it.

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