In July, we held another Talent meets Tech – Speed Interviewing event at WeSpace in Zurich. Accenture, Digitec Galaxus and Swisscom were meeting nine candidates, eager to take the next step in their tech career. The event was once more a full success and was even published in the news, see

With these Talent Matching events, we allow companies to meet their next female tech talent personally with the help of speed interviews. Based on the culture-first Company Profile we pre-select matching candidates. Not only are we focusing on a purpose-culture match, but we also ensure that we invite diverse talents with different backgrounds, skills and experiences. With this we allow companies to meet their next employee. No longer do they need to scan through CVs or getting distracted by the many terms and information. The event allows companies to diversify their talent pool for current or later recruiting needs.

The event allows the candidates to get to know companies up close and personal and introduce themselves without feeling the pressure of being in an interview. The focus lies on connecting with the person rather than judging skills and experience described in a CV and/or letter. It will open doors for candidates to companies, they always wanted to get to know better.

During and after the event, the Company representatives have the opportunity to proceed with the discussion in the networking area. Additionally, they can meet more candidates and mingle with talented women in tech.

Are you ready to meet your next company or talent? Don’t miss the next Talent meets Tech event and sign up already today with this form as a candidate or reach out to us by email as a company.

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