FuckUps: Erfolgreich Versagen

by | Aug 22, 2019 | News, Articles & Blog Posts | 0 comments

FuckUpNights an der Interactive West

Unsere Mitgründerin Priska wurde von den FuckUpNights Vorarlberg eingeladen, an der Interactive West von ihrem Start-up Fail zu erzählen. Eine kurze Zusammenfassung von ihrer Geschichte findest du hier (nur in Deutsch).

Tech Inspired with Anais Salson

Tech Inspired with Anais Salson

Join us on a new episode of the "Tech Inspired" podcast where we catch up with Anais Salson, the vibrant Head of Partnerships at 42 Lausanne and last year’s audience favourite at the Hidden Figures Award. Anais shares her unconventional journey into the tech world,...

Tech Inspired with Viola Sini

Tech Inspired with Viola Sini

Meet Viola Sini on the latest episode of the Tech Inspired podcast - Information Security Officer at the Swiss Post and a passionate volunteer for She Leads Tech. Viola shares her unique journey from a marketing intern at IBM to a leader in cybersecurity. Discover how...


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